It is with regret that the Society announces the death of Desmond Gilpin (1957-61). More...
It is with regret that the OC Society announces the death of Patrick Martin (1958-63). More...
It is with regret the the OC Society announces the death of Nigel Martin (1961-66). More...
It is with regret that the OC Society announces the death of Neil Lamont (1954-59). More...
It is with Regret that the OC Society announces the death of Harry Stevenson MBE DL (1941-45 ). More...
It is with regret that the OC Society announces the death of Dr Alexander Beck (1944-47). More...
It is with regret that the Society announces the death of George Strong (1951-55). More...
It is with regret that the Society announces the death of Jimmy Eaton CBE TD JP (3024). More...
It is with regret that The society announces the death of Ralph Erskine (1947-49). More...
It is with regret that the Society announces the death of Major (Retired) Max Humphreys (1940-41). More...
It is with regret that the Society announces the death of Michael Lane (1952-56). More...
It is with regret that the Society announces the death of, former OC Society President, Bill Taylor (1939-44). More...
It is with regret that the Society announces the death of Frederick Chestnutt (1946-48). More...
It is with regret that the Society announces the death of David McElderry (1969-73). More...
It is with regret that the Society announces the death of David Carson (1939-44). More...
It is with regret that the Society announces the death of Michael Irwin (1962-67). More...
It is with regret that the Society announces the death of Lt Col (Retd) Bob Armstrong RCAF (1948-53). More...
It is with regret that the Society announces he death of Clive Lewis (1939-44). More...
Richard (6294) And Patrick Caves (6618) Have Kindly Given Permission To Share The Funeral Service Of Hon OC Ronnie Caves. The Service Took Place On F… More...
It is with regret that the Society announces the death of Arthur Boucher (1943 - 52). More...
It is with regret that the Society announces the death of Tony Clarkson (1952-55). More...