Dear OC
I hope that you, your family & friends are well and that you have a safe Easter
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic I
’d like to let you know what we
’re planning to do in order to try to
“Stay Connected.”
Over the coming weeks, and possibly months, we plan to change how we do things and in so doing, encourage OCs to chat amongst each other.
So the first thing I
’d like us all to do on Good Friday is for each of us to
“Phone a Friend,” not just a text but an actual call. Talk to an OC who may be living alone, ill, older than you, or just someone whom you may not have talked to in a while. Please then continue to do so and make a conscious effort to make some calls on a regular basis.
Next up is
“OCs Around The World & Branch News.” We
’ll publish news/updates from our Branches, as and when we receive them. Please feel free to let us know what is happening with you, wherever you are. You can contact The Society Office via or the Editor of The Old Campbellian magazine via and let us have your news.
For those of you who follow Social Media, we will continue to post news as regularly as we can but we need new stories so do get in touch with Fiona Young via or Dermot Parker (7467) via . On that note I
’d very much like to welcome Fiona to all things Old Campbellian. Fiona has been working for the College for a number of years and is now carrying out the communications function within the Society Office.
Phil Calvert (7399) has kindly agreed to help you keep fit at home and extended an invitation to all Campbellians, OCs and their families to his daily workouts. These are carried out twice a day, the first at 7.30am and the second at 6pm via this
FaceBook link . We thank Phil for generously sharing this invitation to the Campbell Community.
’s hoped that the Headmaster Robert Robinson will be able to update us with what the College has been, is and plans to do regarding continuing the education of Campbellians whilst they are at home. The boys initially thought they were on holiday but quickly realised we live in a digital world – the joys of technology! Unfortunately this year we
’re not going to be able to meet up with the Leavers of 2020 in person but we hope to do so online via Zoom in the coming weeks and welcome them all into the Old Campbellian Society.
Please keep an eye on the website in the coming days and weeks for updates and News in order to see what is happening and to
“Stay Connected” and if you haven
’t already done so then please sign up to our website and keep following us on all our social media accounts.
Please get involved when and wherever you can and best wishes to you and your family at this time. Stay safe. Stay home. Stay Connected.
OC Society President 2020
Myles Nelson (7024)